ENG Rules and Regulations for Parliament Tours
organised by the Chancellery of the Senate
§ 1. Booking
- Parliament tours for organised groups can only be booked through the tour reservation system available at www.senat.edu.pl.
- A tour of the Parliament can be combined with a lecture on the legislative process or on the rights and duties of parliamentarians. Other forms of parliamentary education can be booked by e-mail (bepw.dep@senat.gov.pl).
- If a visit to the Parliament is booked through an intermediary or commercial tour operator, the name of the entity from which the group visiting the Parliament originates (e.g. school, workplace or institution) must be entered in the “Name” section of the form and the details of the tour operator must be entered in the “Remarks of the client” section.
- Individual tours are only possible on open days.
§ 2. Tour dates
- Tours of the Parliament take place on Mondays and Tuesdays. In exceptional circumstances, the Chancellery of the Senate may also allow visitors to access the Senate building on other days of the week.
- Available dates will be displayed in advance in the tour booking system.
§ 3. Conditions of the tour
- Parliament tours and all forms of parliamentary education are free of charge.
- On the day of the visit to the Senate, group supervisors report 30 minutes before the appointed time at the Pass Office of the Marshal Guard in Wiejska Street and submit a list of all tour participants, including their first and last names with PESEL numbers and, if there is no PESEL number, dates of birth, as well as the type and details of their identity documents: series, number and country of issue.
- The list referred to in § 3(2) should be drawn up in duplicate and signed by the director of the institution booking the tour.
- On presentation of their identity document, group supervisors receive single-use passes to the Senate.
- All tour participants should have their identity document with them.
- After performing the actions referred to in § 3(2), the whole group goes to the entrance to the Senate or the Sejm indicated by the Marshal Guard officer.
- Tours are guided by a parliamentary guide only. It is not permitted to separate from the group and move around the Parliament buildings on one’s own.
- Each group should be accompanied by supervisors who are obliged to inform the group participants of the terms of these Rules and Regulations and to ensure that they are observed.
- If an organised group arrives late, the tour time may be reduced. A group that is late may also be denied entry by the Chancellery of the Senate.
- Tour participants are required to dress appropriately and behave in a manner befitting the dignity of the place. Persons whose dress is inappropriate or whose behaviour offends the dignity of the Senate or the Sejm may not be admitted to the Parliament buildings.
§ 4. Cancellation of a booking
- In the event of cancellation of the selected tour date, the Booker is obliged to cancel the tour at least 24 hours before the visit – by clicking on the link received in the e-mail, or by telephone.
- If a booked tour date is not used, the administrator of the tour reservation system may block the account of the booking institution.
- The Chancellery of the Senate reserves the right to cancel bookings for Parliament tours in the event of additional sittings of the Senate, the Sejm or other events in the Parliament.
- The Chancellery of the Senate cancels a booking for a Parliament tour by sending an e-mail or by telephone.
§ 5. Rules of order
- Persons entering the Parliament’s buildings are required to:
- follow the instructions of the officers of the Marshal Guard in respect of compliance with the regulations resulting from Order No. 1 of the Marshal of the Sejm of 9 January 2008 on entering the buildings managed by the Chancellery of the Sejm and entering the premises managed by the Chancellery of the Sejm,
- pass through a security check. If necessary, the Marshal Guard officer has the right to use a handheld security wand.
- Visitors are prohibited from bringing hazardous materials or items into the Parliament’s buildings. A list of the aforementioned items can be found in Decision No. 3 of the Commander of the Marshal Guard of 13 March 2024 on weapons and hazardous items, the possession of which on the premises and in the buildings managed by the Chancellery of the Sejm and managed by the Chancellery of the Senate, as well as carrying and bringing of which onto these premises and into these buildings, is prohibited.
- Visitors leave their coats and luggage, including hand luggage, in the cloakroom.
- Visitors are advised to mute their mobile phones on the premises of the Parliament.
- The use of cameras is permitted where and when indicated by the guide.
- In the Parliament’s buildings, observe silence, behave respectfully, and obey the instructions of the parliamentary guides and the officers of the Marshal Guard.
- Persons present in the gallery of the assembly room during Senate or Sejm sessions are required to observe silence, behave respectfully, and, in particular, refrain from expressing their approval or disapproval of parliamentarians’ statements.
§ 6. Standards for the protection of minors
In the Chancellery of the Senate, Order No. 32 of the Head of the Chancellery of the Senate of 27 August 2024 on the introduction of the standards for the protection of minors is in force, and a coordinator for the standards for the protection of minors has been appointed. Detailed information is available at https://www.senat.gov.pl/kancelaria/standardy-ochrony-maloletnich/.
§ 7. Data protection notice
The Booker consents to the processing of the provided personal data by the Chancellery of the Senate with its seat in Warsaw, ul. Wiejska 6/8, for the purpose of making the booking.
In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), please be informed that:
- the data controller is the Chancellery of the Senate with its seat in Warsaw, ul. Wiejska 6/8, 00-902 Warsaw;
- contact with the data protection officer:
- by mail: Inspektor ochrony danych osobowych, Kancelaria Senatu, ul. Wiejska 6/8, 00-902 Warszawa,
- by e-mail: iodo@senat.gov.pl
- personal data will be processed based on the Booker’s consent for the purpose of making the booking;
- the provision of personal data is voluntary, but failure to provide it will result in not receiving a reply;
- the personal data provided by the Booker may be made available, to the extent necessary, to other bodies and institutions according to their competence or in order to obtain the information necessary to produce a reply;
- the personal data provided by the Booker will be stored in accordance with the Law of 14 July 1983 on National Archive Resources and Archives (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2020, item 164, as amended);
- the Booker has the right to withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data, but the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on their consent prior to the withdrawal;
- the Booker has the right of access to the personal data provided, the right to its rectification and, to the extent permitted by law, its erasure, as well as the right to restriction of processing by contacting the Education, Promotion and Publications Office:
- by mail: Biuro Edukacji, Promocji i Wydawnictw, ul. Wiejska 6/8, 00-902 Warszawa
- by e-mail: bepw.dep@senat.gov.pl.
- the Booker has the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Office, if, in their opinion, the processing of their personal data violates the law.