ENG Information on the Tours
Please book your visit via the Senate’s tour booking system: http://senat.edu.pl/edukacja/zwiedzanie/system-rezerwacji-wycieczek/
You are welcome to visit the Parliament and take advantage of our offer. It is primarily aimed at teachers and pupils from all types of schools. We also organise group tours for senior citizens, university students, local government officials, and foreign visitors.
Please be advised that the dress code and behaviour in the Parliament must befit the dignity of the place. Scantily dressed young people and adults (e.g. wearing short sports shorts) will not be allowed into the Senate and the Sejm by the Marshal Guard. Please ensure that supervisors accompanying young people on tours take this into account.
During the one-hour tour, the guides:
- show the visitors around the Senate building,
- introduce the visitors to the history of parliament,
- inform the visitors how a modern parliament functions and how a law is drafted,
- explain the work, duties and rights of parliamentarians,
- answer questions on matters of particular interest.
Tour organisation
A tour date must be booked in advance.
When booking, the tour organiser can choose a tour option with a lecture on the process of drafting the law or on the rights and duties of parliamentarians. The lectures have been adapted to the age and understanding of the participants, and are not given to pupils in the lower grades of primary school.
On the tour day, the supervisor must submit to the Pass Office a list (2 copies) of all participants, including the supervisors, with their details: first name, surname and PESEL number (if there is no PESEL number, date of birth and series and number of the identity document with a photograph). The list must bear the stamp of the tour organiser (school or other institution) and the signature of the authorised person.
The tour organiser is aware of the data protection notice and undertakes to pass it on to the tour participants.
On the day of the visit, please report 30 minutes before your booking time at the Pass Office of the Chancellery of the Sejm, ul. Wiejska 6/8, with 2 copies of the list of participants, stamped by the tour organiser (school or other institution) and signed by the authorised person.
If possible, please do not bring bags or backpacks with you and turn off mobile phones. All visitors are required to pass through a security check. Therefore, please do not bring any dangerous items into the building. Taking photos is possible when indicated by the guide.
Tours are conducted by the tour guide exclusively for groups of approximately 25 people accompanied by at least 1 supervisor (teacher or representative of the tour organiser). Larger groups are split.
The guides await visitors at the main entrance to the Senate (BII).
For organisational reasons, groups arriving more than 20 minutes late may not be admitted.
The Parliament is a workplace for hundreds of people, so a visit should not interfere with the normal operation of the office. We therefore ask you to follow the suggestions and instructions of the Marshal Guard and the guides.
Rules and Regulations for Senate Tours
Cancelling a tour
If a booked tour cannot take place on the agreed date, please cancel it online (click on the link in the booking e-mail).
The Chancellery of the Senate reserves the right to cancel tours in the event of additional sittings of the Senate, the Sejm or other important events in the Parliament, which will be communicated to you by e-mail.
We organise open days during which you can visit the Senate and Sejm buildings individually. All you need to do is have your ID card with you, and report at the entrance to the Parliament indicated in the announcement, where the visitors will pass through a security check. During the tour, please follow the suggestions and instructions of the Marshal Guard. Information about the open days is posted in the media and on the Senate’s website.
Parliament tours are free of charge.
The Parliament buildings are adapted for people with disabilities.